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Case Study:Hospice Marketing Transformation

Client:Golden Rule Hospice

Hospice Care Marketing, a digital marketing agency, embarked on a transformative journey with Golden Rule Hospice, led by Lisa, an experienced registered nurse and co-owner of the company. Golden Rule Hospice, a locally owned and operated hospice service, faced fierce competition in Atlanta’s crowded hospice market. Despite providing exceptional care for over 27 years, they struggled with visibility and acquiring new clients due to the saturated market.

Challenges Faced

Limited online presence

Golden Rule Hospice lacked an effective online presence, resulting in minimal visibility and low inbound inquiries.

Stagnant growth

The company’s census remained stagnant, unable to tap into the potential client base in their service area.

Manual processes

The absence of digital tools for client engagement, recruitment, and information dissemination hindered operational efficiency and scalability.

Services Provided by Hospice Care Marketing

Results Achieved

Substantial Increase in Inbound Inquiries

Within the first year of collaboration, Golden Rule Hospice experienced a 25-30% increase in inbound inquiries, followed by a 50% increase in subsequent years.

Triple Growth in Census

The company’s patient census surged over threefold from the time of engagement, exceeding industry norms and establishing Golden Rule Hospice as a dominant player in the market.

Operational Efficiency and Scalability

The implementation of digital tools and processes facilitated operational efficiency and scalability, enabling Golden Rule Hospice to accommodate rapid growth seamlessly.

Enhanced Peace of Mind

The transformation not only contributed to business growth but also provided Lisa with peace of mind, allowing her to focus on strategic initiatives and personal well-being.

Client Testimonial

Lisa expressed profound satisfaction with Hospice Care Marketing’s services, emphasizing their innovative approach and tangible results. She lauded the agency for its role in reshaping Golden Rule Hospice’s online presence, driving substantial growth, and empowering her to achieve a better work-life balance.

Shelisa Glynn, R.N.

Golden Rule Hospice
Co-founder / COO


The collaboration between Hospice Care Marketing and Golden Rule Hospice exemplifies the transformative impact of strategic digital marketing initiatives. By leveraging website redesign, SEO, Google ads, and reputation management, Golden Rule Hospice transcended market challenges, achieved remarkable growth, and positioned itself as a leading provider in the hospice care sector.

Are you ready to take your Hospice to the next level?